martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

The lion... My favourite animal!!

In general, I love all the animals of all the species, as wild animals, exotic, domestic, etc... for example the wolf, tiger all the small animals as dog, cats, or rabbits, turtle, among other...  In this occasion I speak about the lion, one of my animals favourite more.

The lion is a mammal of the order carnivorous. This animal can reach to weighs of 225 kg maximun. Its habitat is in the Sabana, and its distribution is in Central Africa and Southern. This mammal eat animals like gazelle, wildebeests, antelope, buffalo, zebra, and much more.

The lion is the only that present a sexual dimorphism obvious, in other words, the males and female have a aspect notably different, for example the lioness don't have mane and lion yes. (128)

In connection with its habits, they have two type of organization, some is residents and they live in pride, and others are nomad and they live only or in couple. Moreover, they communicate it using a roar. And finally, the roles of each one, in the female is to hunt by its size and agility, and the male is to defend the pride or territory, although both can fulfill all the roles mentioned.

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2012

My opinion...!

Today I will answer about some topics of interest and I will start with...

1. What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet? 
The exotic pets need very careful, therefore the owner must be very responsible, care to exotic animals, not is as care to any other animals, for this, the owner must have the knowledge adequate about its diet, habitat, illness, etc... If all this fulfill it, it would be grandiose, because this animals are fantastic, beatiful and strangers, making them they are interesting.

2. What is your opinion about violence on television? The television is seen for the majority of the people, for this is that influential in its behavior, thought, in the vocabulary, practically in all... Therefore, the violence on television is very damaging in all sense, specially in the social relations and in the mental health. The television is a medium of mass communication and in my opinion it could use of better way, and strengthen other things as the education, culture, healthy entertainment, and not the violence.

3. What is your opinion about killing stray dogs?
The true I am completely in disagreement, because there other solutions, as that the people sterilize to its pets, also stop of throw the animals to the streets, and if someone wants to have some animal, that instead of buying it, they pick up animals from the streets where they are. But, killing stray dogs? definitely not is a solution, because the true is that the idea will not work, inasmuch as without sterilize the reproduction will continue proliferating.
4, What is your opinion about “barras bravas”? 
I think that the "barras bravas" is a stupidity, inasmuch as, the only that they do is damage and provoke violence, They not know be civilized, neither respect the opinions of other.

5. What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
I am not agree with the legalizing therapeutic abortion in any case, I know that sometimes is complicated by the form that the pregnancy ocurred but if the woman does not want the baby, there other alternatives as the adoption, and thus give an oportunity to the baby and to families that want one and they can not have or conceive one in naturally.